Aliens Home 应用

الخنساء 1.9
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Khansaa is a veteran poet born from the parents of poets and theturning point in her life is her brothers lost.
تفسير الزمخشري (الكشّاف) 2.657
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Tafsir Mahmoud bin Omar al - Zamakhshri named search for the factsof the mystery of the download.
مصارع العشاق 1.9
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The most famous books of heritage that took care of love and wasallocated by Ibn al - Sarraj for news of the killing of love.
كود الكهرباء 1.8
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The most important Egyptian Code for electrical work foldersarranged and easy to search and use.
شرح قطر الندى وبل الصدى 3.02
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This book is written by Ibn Hisham who is known as the successor toSibuya in grammar.
سيرة ابن هشام 2.02
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This book is one of the most important sources that dealt with thebiography of the Prophet peace be upon him.
تفسير الأحلام لإبن سيرين 1.9
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Interpretation of dreams of the son of Sirin more booksinterpretation of dreams objective and best.
الإتقان في علوم القرآن 1.96
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A valuable book in which al-Suyooti collected a number of sciences,branches and characteristics related to the Holy Quran
قصائد زهير بن أبي سلمى 1.25
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Zuhair ibn Abi Salma is one of the three presenters on the otherpoets and Hakim poets in ignorance
الإقناع في حل ألفاظ أبي شجاع 2.391
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It is one of the most important heritage books in Shafi'ijurisprudence, which certainly took a lot, which regards thedoctrine
Heart of Darkness 1.6
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Dark allegory describes the narrator's journey up the CongoRiverand his meeting with, and fascination by, Mr. Kurtz, amysteriouspersonage who dominates the unruly inhabitants of theregion.Masterly blend of adventure, character development,psychologicalpenetration. Considered by many Conrad's finest, mostenigmaticstory.
الروح لابن القيم 2.16
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In the world of the unseen and the soul, and turning it and itshouses
عنترة بن شداد 1.9
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The most famous knights of the Arabs knew his hair and his softyarn Baabla was one of the best Arabs and the most generous soul
رياض الصالحين 2.1
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A short book in the caricatures, intimidation and asceticismcollected by the Prophet from the saheeh ahaadeeth
الشاعر للمنفلوطي 1.9
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Love is the courtyard for the other, misery for it, and givingwithout pay ...........
النظرات للمنفلوطي 2
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A collection of literary articles of a high standard on sociology,politics, literature and society.
Geometric shapes 2.9
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Simple app to calculate area, perimeter & volume of a largenumber of shapes.
الفضيلة للمنفلوطي 1.57
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Manfaluti reminds us of the value of virtue and roams between love,jealousy, sacrifice and virtue ....
الفوائد لابن القيم 2.8
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A great book in preaching, judgment, opinions and carefulconsideration is summarized in many things.
ElectroMechanical Calculation 1.92
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CO2, FM-200, Sprinkler, Fire Alarm Detectors, Power and LightingCalculations
مجلة التنكيت والتبكيت 1.8
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Criticism of irony and irony in the form of literary articles easyto say and deep meaning.
البيان والتبيين 2.37
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This book is one of the four most important books in this art,according to Ibn Khaldun.
صيانة السيارة 2.31
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Keep all of your vehicle's past maintenance records and follow upon upcoming maintenance.
Crime and Punishment 2.15
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This books made you think deeply about being human and how choosesto live live.
تفسير النسفي 2.15
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One of the most beautiful books and the easiest and mostabbreviated in the interpretation of the Koran
سيرة صلاح الدين الأيوبي 1.6
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Al-Nawarat Al-Sultaniyya and the Prospects of Yusufiyah (biographyof Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi)
أطواق الذهب في المواعظ والخطب 1.935
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One hundred short essays many wise words have great meanings of themagic statement.
الاختيار لتعليل المختار 2.27
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Is the explanation of Abdullah bin Mahmoud Al-Musli for his book"chosen for fatwa"
Electro Mechanical assistant 2.01
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CO2, FM-200, Sprinkler, Fire Alarm Detectors, Power and LightingCalculations
ماجدولين (تحت ظلال الزيزفون) 2.01
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Alfa and woven by Alphonse Kar and Arabs inventor Mustafa LutfiManfalouti.
الأم للشافعي‎ 2.14
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An Encyclopedic Book of the Faqih and Founder of the Principles ofJurisprudence of Imam al-Shafi'i al-Qurashi
تحفة النظار لابن بطوطة 2.13
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Ibn Battuta lists his travels in easy words, and his book is agreat reference for this period of time.
العبرات للمنفلوطي 2.3
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The most despicable in the world are many ... There is nothing lessthan to pour into their hands these abras
الهوامل والشوامل 1.91
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Questions scattered scattered by the father of Hyan al - Tawhidwaiting for answers Shmlm answered by Muskawi.
الكتاب لسيبويه 2.03
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The book is arranged, classified and numbered to make it easier forthe reader and the student to research, study and read.
المفردات في غريب القرآن 1.8
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One of the greatest books in the explanation of the vocabulary ofthe Koran has a line in the form of a dictionary easy to browse andsearch it.
الأمير لميكافيلي 2.1
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Mikiavelli is the father of modern European political thought andhis most influential and famous book.
الكامل في اللغة والأدب 1.8
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The Court of Takhir, which includes texts from the sayings of theArabs and is one of the pillars of literature and language.
النابغة الذبياني 1.8
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One of the poets of the first class, if not the head of this layerafter the woman of the qais.
ابن تيمية لـ محمد يوسف موسى 1.7
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He suffered a lot of science and left a great scientific legacy anddisagreed with his predecessors and his opponents.
وحي القلم 1.2
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The pen is a literary work. Badi 's line of art articles inliterature, history and criticism came
القاموس المحيط 2.04
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The most famous Arabic language dictionaries of the linguistic ImamMajd al - Din al - Fayruz Abadi deceased (817 e).
نوادر الخلفاء 2.01
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Stories funny and beautiful style easy easy.
The Travels of Marco Polo 1.7
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One of the first great travel books of Western, outside the ancientworld.
William Shakespeare 2.2
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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Comedy,History,Tragedyand Poetry.
أبو الطيب المتنبي 2.01
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One of the greatest poets of the Arabs and rare his best poetry inwisdom and philosophy of life and described battles.
المستطرف فى كل فن مستظرف 2.19
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An encyclopedic book that attracts the soul, works the mind, andcontains a lot of circumstance, darkness and wisdom.
شرح ابن عقيل ألفية ابن مالك 3.02
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Explanation Ben Aqil to one of the most important system system inthe grammar and grammar of the "Millennium Ibn Malik"
Car Schedule 3.87
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keep eye on the upcoming maintenance & look back to your logs.
فتح القريب المجيب 2.67
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A brief book in the jurisprudence of Shafi'i combines ease andfamiliarity with many topics.